Mother — Water, she arose
She disappeared in the moon
Which had lifted her
Which had given her birth
Masquerading solemn beauty
As in a ray of the moon’s light
Doth her pale skin gleam
As an orchid of the deepest seas
(So speak he weeping, and his lady mother heard him
As she sate in the sea-depths bside her aged sire
Woth speed arose she from the grey sea, like a mist
And sat her before the face of her weeping sun, and
Stroked him with her hand, and spoke and called on
His name «My child, why weepest thou? What sorrow
Hath entered into thy heart? Speak it forth, hide it
Not in thy mind, that both may know it.")
Love this band, just got into them a few days ago. A similar band, when it comes to the feeling of the music and the actual music its self, is Asunder (a criminally underrated band).
obviously youre paying too much attention to the details and not looking at the big picture. yeah, the songs all pretty much use the same slow power chords, mournful and melodic guitar leads, and plodding drums, but a good doom band will create variety with different atmospheres and emotions.