William Westren 2019-03-13 06:55:57 | Profile I want this in better quality please! Love it and wanna sing along...
Giulia Sabatino 2018-10-17 10:43:17 | Profile I never would have expected this from members of Hammerfall and Evergrey, this sounds just as bad as Five Finger Death Punch. Please stick to your respective bands guys.
Roi Dadadou 2018-10-11 07:03:26 | Profile Sounds more like Down than Pantera. Need some fast shit that kills listen to Becoming by Pantera.
PCGamer77 2018-10-10 16:02:03 | Profile Excellent Riffs, nice Melodies, 8k views= RIDICULOUS! This is like a mix of Korn and AILD! And I like it! Keep going, you are on the way to the top ;)