КОН ПОКОН 2020-09-27 18:20:07 | Profile I saw this line up 2 times; saw the drumer with ozzy molly hachet pat traversand im onley 57
Sexi Baby 2019-12-26 16:50:12 | Profile Seen em in 73 in Seattle. Years later did a music video with Whitesnake, actually got a chance to talk to Tommy about his drumming stamina. He said “I ride bicycles about 10-20 miles a day”. That explains everything.
Asen Ganchev 2019-11-12 02:30:01 | Profile I saw them live... they destroyed the place and blew everyone away
Albin Östlund 2019-10-06 21:59:21 | Profile Tommy Aldridge, the pinnacle of rock drumming. Pure artistry. I spent countless hours working out every drum lick from Rauch N Roll.
Tatiana Gri 2019-09-03 06:00:11 | Profile rest in peace Ruby Starr Stanley Knight and Jimmy Henderson